It's been a minute... hi! 💖

Hello, reader! It's been a bit of time since I last posted but I have nonetheless been coding away during the #100DaysOfCode challenge. In fact, I'm in my final week of the challenge 😱. I can't believe I've made it this far. I remember telling a friend when I first began the challenge and she looked at my wide-eyed and said "Wow, really?" I was surprised by her response because honestly, when I first started the challenge I didn't put too much thought into it as a whole. I found The Odin Project and dediced to go from there, dedicating at least an hour a day to coding. Really, I was just trying to find a way to learn new things in programming because I realized I had been missing it a lot. But now that I'm nearing the "end"... I am kind of shocked as well. Mostly, I am surprised by how much I can accomplish over such a short amount of time (relatively). This is going to sound super cheesy, but I feel like the few hours I've dedicated after work to learning and improving on my programming skills is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. Aside from developing my skills as a programmer, going through this challenge has helped me learn a lot about myself, connect with people from various corners of the world, and helped me find a community which I feel like I can be a part of (and want to be a part of- yay for Ruby!). (Ahhh so cheesy, I know. I'm not sorry though.)

After the 100 Days, I will definitely still be coding (I'm in the middle of a rails project right now!! 😃). I think I am just going to tweet about it less and also try to break up my week a little different. I haven't fully decided on a routine, but something like 3 days of project work, 1 day of reading/studying, 1 day of practicing codewars.. or something of that variety. Ultimately, I hope to break it up into chunks where I am spending more time recording the things I'm learning and reflecting on the things I'm learning, too. As I've mentioned, I'm going through Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl and building out my own project in tandem. So far, it's been a lot to wrap my head around, but I suppose that's part of being new to something and the whole "the first step to being good at something is being bad at it." I'd like to record that process here moving forward so that I can share some of the things I'm learning (and maybe save someone else from similar struggles they may encounter when building their first rails app 😅).

All in all, it's been real.

Thanks for reading. 💖