Year of Joy (Happy New Year!)

I recently read a blog post on about New Year Themes and was inspired to pick a theme for this new year, instead of making the usual list of resolutions. I like this style a lot, particularly because it defines what you want to focus on without defining excatly how you'll accomplish it. I think this flexibility is crucial given the uncertainty of events in the world at this time.

My theme? Joy. I intend for 2021 to be the year of joy. Currently, my idea around a year of joy is to lean into the things I am naturally curious or inclined to do. It means to spend less time in decision paralysis (usually brought about when I ask myself if I should do x, y, or z... and end up often doing nothing at all), if it means it will ultimately make me feel some sense of joy. It means allowing myself to be myself and live less out of fear.

A few of the things that bring me joy at the moment are playing the guitar, running, and programming things for the fun of it. One of the programming-for-the-fun-of-it pursuits I am undertaking is learning how to make an HTML game. I plan to record what I learn here on my blog under the Game Dev tag if you are at all interested in keeping up.

What's your theme for 2021? Or resolutions, whichever floats your boat!